Saturday, July 15, 2017

Live OTT Broadcast Synchronization

Live video streaming that is not synchronized across all mobile devices and in line with linear broadcast TV is one of major holes that exists in OTT content delivery, causing significant viewer challenges and spoiling viewer experiences. 

During my interview with Per Lindgren, SVP of Live OTT at Net Insight, he explained that synchronizing live streams for certain types of content such as sports events can be critical for viewer satisfaction. Consider the case today when viewers are watching a sports game in a pub with TVs and mobile devices tuned to the same channel.

Some of the devices may have delays of several seconds or minutes compared to other devices, and against traditional broadcast television. When a goal is scored the regular live broadcast will play it first, then the content will be played on some of the devices receiving the content OTT, causing cheers, but then leading to a spoiler alert for other recipients that have a longer delay in getting the content OTT. 

To solve this challenge, Net Insight has created a Sye OTT Live Streaming solution that solves this critical issue and offers frame accurate synchronization across the primary screen and all secondary screens. The Net Insight streaming platform provides a signal that has a predictable, fixed delay and synchronous playback across devices independent of the device manufacturer. The company has also has created APIs that allow apps to be developed that incorporate synchronization with big screen TV for an extended live television experience based on the second screen.

Listen How to Setup a Live OTT Streaming Service

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